Amongst the hatred, wars, deception, envy, starvation, neglect, immorality, inequality, disease, fear, intolerance and greed for starters........
In this crazy mixed up world, what do "you" pray for?
Do you pray for
Sitting at a stoplight, I snapped this photo, due to curiosity.....
I later saw the news report of how he had lost a loved one to a fatal shooting, earlier that day. |

No matter what you are praying for, it all comes down to us seeking
help from our higher power. Us looking elsewhere for a solution. A very wise person said, "In prayer, be specific, God doesn't always give you what you ask for, he gives you what he thinks you need". I remember hearing that many times throughout my childhood and into my adult life. "God works in mysterious ways," I would also hear. As a child, I had a tough time trying to wrap my immature brain around the concept. Sometimes when I pray I can feel like no one is listening, like it's a waste of time. There are other times when I don't feel like praying because I'm just so frustrated with the way things are going, or not going. Sometimes I do find relief in turning my troubles over to my higher power.
Looking back, I'm reminded of a time in my mid twenties, when I was going through a difficult time. My first pregnancy resulted in a misscarriage. I was trying to understand why and cope with all the overwhelming feelings of sadness, and disappointment associated with the loss. It was such an ubrupt and painful end to what should have been amongst the most beautiful events in my life. So many hopes and dreams had vanished. I will never forget the most beautiful necklace my nephew, (who was 4 years old at the time) made for me. Knowing just how sad I was, I'm sure he just wanted to cheer up his "Aunt Sal".
My little nephew had carefully strung some large, round, pink, plastic beads on some fishing line and proudly presented it to me. I still have the pink necklace. I keep in in my jewelery box, and to this day, almost a quarter of a century later, I can remember how his concern for me, helped me to feel better. It made me feel like I wasn't dealing with the heartache alone. Compassion can be so powerful. 
Another thing this wise person told me is, "We are often most thankful for the things we didn't say". This is a huge statement. Once you say something, once you utter the words.....they can never be taken back. It's too late, you've said it. From that point on, depending on what is said, the words will haunt you, and may never be forgotten. You can not change what was said, and disrespect can spread like wildfire. Is it then that you need to pray for forgiveness, patience, understanding and tolerance?

The same wise person also said, "It is very important, and don't forget to always give thanks". It is so easy to be busy and when something great goes your way for yourself or someone else, you forget to give thanks. Speaking of giving thanks, I give thanks to God for having the wise person in my life. The person who said all these wise things, is my dear Mother June. Over a half a century ago, she studied under a very wise old Irish Catholic Priest. This priest inspired her and guided her to understand his Christian teachings. He provided her with a strong foundation from which she would draw from, to guide and comfort her family with prayer.