Sunday, July 4, 2010

Embarrasing moments

I get embarrassed once in a while when something stupid happened, unwanted personal flaws, bad attention….definitely not as often as I used to. So I’ll share cause its too funny to keep to myself.

I heard recently on the radio that if we don't want to say a certain word our brain will react in the way that we end up saying it. A fact I learnt too late. Makes sense. 10th grade I am up in front of the whole class reading a paper on micro organisms for just a split second I thought to myself (don’t say orgasm) then I did say micro orgasm…Public speaking is really now the only thing I fear. I hate talking in front of people.

One time when I was out at the bars I needed to go to the toilet but they were very dirty. I decided to do the hovering trick but as I was mid-urination I slipped on the wet floor wedged my head between the toilet and the floor I don’t know who was in the stall next to me, my only hope is that they were drunk as I was so they are not sure what happened.

walking downtown St. Cloud about 14 years ago looking for a friend I was supposed to meet - rather wet and windy it was. While approaching the telephone terminals. (that its even rare to see anymore). I spotted my friend with his back to me at the end terminal. He's rather distinctive - really tall, skinny with a mass of rats nest looking black hair under a ball cap, and he always wears this old beat up jean jacket. I crept up behind him and slapped him really hard on the back of the head and quickly ducked down...!! To my absolute horror this young woman turned around screaming and shouting...!!!! Oops.

After speech class in middle school I had health, so I went to my classroom and sat down. The room was dark, and there was a movie on in the front. I looked around my classroom in the dark and took a seat. There were some members of a different class there this time. I saw a few familiar faces, after sitting there a while I noticed there were no girls. I was the only girl in there….and the movie that was on…it was….sex ed….and I was….in the wrong room. The girls all went to a different room!!!

My friends and I were riding bikes, and some guys challenged us to a race. I was leading and turned around to make sure no one was near me. I crashed into a parked car and a set of trash cans.

What are your embarrassing moments?


  1. Hey 2-Pump; I'm still belly laughing!! I loved your embarrassing moments! Reminds me of someone who will remain nameless to protect his always cool image.....Let's just call him "Daddy". Now this story is being told second hand, so I hope I have the details right. I enjoy trying to make people laugh, sometimes by using a word incorrectly like using the word "axe" instead of "ask", or coining new phrases.
    So a certain, "Daddy" was to give a little speach, or rather address the town's "Historical Society" with an issue of importance. Daddy knew exactly what he was going to say, but when he got up on the potium, he pronounced the words "Historical Society" as the "Hysterical Society!!" While my darling Mother sat there, turning redder and redder, trying not to laugh!
